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Anförande vid Nuclear Security Summit 2014

Anförande i Haag, Nederländerna

Mr Prime Minister,

Let me start by thanking you and the Government of the Netherlands for hosting the Nuclear Security Summit here in The Hague this year.

You have provided several innovative ideas that will prove useful in future summits on different topics. One of them being the opportunity for participating nations to deliver video statements. So there is also a longer Swedish video statement available for those interested.

Since we gathered in Washington, and then two years later in Seoul, much has been achieved.

All participating countries have taken action to strengthen the security of nuclear and other radioactive materials.

There is, however, still work to be done.

Over the past decades, Sweden has worked continuously to improve nuclear security at home as well as in our neighbourhood.

Since the early 1990s, Sweden has participated in a number of joint efforts to strengthen nuclear security and promote nuclear non-proliferation in Russia, Ukraine, Kazakhstan, Georgia and Moldova.

Our cooperation with Ukraine dates back a long time. Sweden and Norway will now, together with Ukraine, look into possibilities of enhancing our cooperation in the area of nuclear safety and security.

In the Summit process, Sweden has emphasised the importance of international cooperation, transparency and active information-sharing in order to build confidence in the effectiveness of nuclear security systems.

We have worked to ensure that all nuclear and radioactive materials are covered. Highly enriched uranium and separated plutonium.

Civilian as well as military material.

And other radioactive materials, including spent nuclear fuel and radioactive waste.

We are preparing to ratify the International Convention for the Suppression of Acts of Nuclear Terrorism later this year.

In conclusion, Mr Prime Minister,

Sweden has been at the forefront of efforts to build security without nuclear weapons. The Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty is a cornerstone of these efforts.

We call for a comprehensive implementation of the agreed 2010 Action Plan - on disarmament, non- proliferation and the peaceful uses of nuclear energy.

I thank you.

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