Restoring Faith in Globalization
Publicerad på Project Syndicate I must confess that I am a firm believer in the benefits of globalization. To my mind, the gradual...
Anförande om Europa hos SNS
Anförande i Tylösand, Sverige I am delighted to be here with you on the beautiful coast of my native Halland. More than three decades ago...
Arctic challenges and future perspectives of Arctic cooperation
Anförande i Ottawa, Kanada Ladies and gentlemen. I am deeply honored to speak here today at the Carleton University. Our two countries -...
Anförande vid Stockholm Internet Forum 2012
Anförande i Stockholm, Sverige Ladies and Gentlemen, Most welcome to Stockholm and the Stockholm Forum on Internet Freedom for Global...
Digital Authoritarianism
Anförande i Bryssel, Belgien I most warmly welcome this opportunity to address what I consider one of the most important issues of our...
Russia and the World - A View From Abroad
Anförande Andrei Sacharov Foundation Conference, Moskva, Ryssland Thanks for the invitation. It's always a pleasure to be in Moscow - and...
Anförande vid Istanbul Bilgi University
Anförande i Istanbul, Turkiet It is always a pleasure to come to Istanbul - and even more so when there is an opportunity like this to...
New Centres of Economic Power: Towards a 21st Century Global Economic Architecture
Anförande vid IISS-Geo-Economic Strategy Summit, Bahrain The topic of the days here has in themselves illustrated the changing world we...
Internationall challenges in the 21st Century
Anförande i Mexiko City, Mexiko To start with stating the obvious: trying to predict the future in these times of rapid and profound...
Anförande vid RAND Europe
Anförande i Bryssel, Belgien Let me first of all apologies for the fact that I am in a hurry. This is the fate of the Presidency of the...
Anförande vid Framtidskonferensen Märkesåret 1809
Anförande vid Framtidskonventet i Stadshuset Eders Majestäter, Herr Statsministrar, Ärade gäster, Vårt märkesår har varit ett år av...
Anförande vid China Foreign Affairs University
Anförande i Beijing Let me just make some remarks before trying to answer the different questions that you might have. Politicians...
Europe and the World - Are We Still in Demand?
Anförande vid ekonomiska konferensen Wirtschaftsrat i Berlin, Tyskland Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been asked to try to answer the...
EU:s utrikes- och säkerhetspolitiska utmaningar
Anförande vid Utrikespolitiska institutet, Stockholm, Sverige Welcome to Stockholm and the beginning of a new European debate about the...
Globalisation: Ultimate Consequences for Europe
Anförande vid European Business Leaders' Convention i Helsingfors, Finland The first wave of globalization - the one that ended in 1914 -...