Assessing the Efficacy of Sanctions for Non-proliferation
Anförande vid The Carnegie Nuclear Policy Conference, Washington DC, USA Let me just start by saying how much I always appreciate the...
Anförande vid Australia National University
Anförande i Canberra, Australien To state the obvious - I am very happy to be here. And to have the opportunity to make a couple of...
Can the EU develop strategic partnerships with emerging powers?
Anförande i Bryssel, Belgien These are indeed interesting times, and the issue we are going to discuss today is highly topical. The world...
Internationall challenges in the 21st Century
Anförande i Mexiko City, Mexiko To start with stating the obvious: trying to predict the future in these times of rapid and profound...
Anförande vid RAND Europe
Anförande i Bryssel, Belgien Let me first of all apologies for the fact that I am in a hurry. This is the fate of the Presidency of the...
Anförande vid tyska förbundsdagen
Anförande i Berlin, Tyskland To start with the obvious: the state of the world is more demanding, more difficult and in key areas also...
Anförande vid IISS-Citi India Global Forum
Anförande i New Dehli, Indien It is always a true pleasure to come to India and to feel how our world is changing. We are living in an...
Anförande vid IISS
Anförande vid Internationella Institutet för Strategiska Studier i London, Storbritannien Half a century ago - in 1958 -w e lived in a...
The European Union's Soft Power: A Force for Change
Anförande vid Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy i Aten, Grekland It's truly an honour for me to come here to ELIAMEP to...
Globalisation: Ultimate Consequences for Europe
Anförande vid European Business Leaders' Convention i Helsingfors, Finland The first wave of globalization - the one that ended in 1914 -...
Europa, igår, idag och imorgon
Anförande vid Hotell Rival i Stockholm, Sverige Jag får börja med att säga att vi utvecklas alla med tiden. Efter att ha lyssnat på Kjell...
Go West: Accessing New Opportunities
Anförande i Chongqing It is honour and a pleasure to be asked to address this important gathering. It is my first visit to this part of...
The New Security Agenda
Anförande i Zürich vid International Security Forum, Schweiz We all know it: we are living through a period of momentous changes in the...