Arabvärldens konvulsioner kommer att pågå länge
Artikel i Dagens Nyheter Jag satt i diskussioner nere i den arabiska öknen när nyheten kom om serien av attacker mot oskyldiga människor...
Anförande vid IISS Global Strategic Review 2014
Anförande i Oslo, Norge A year ago we were happy to welcome the GSR to Stockholm, and today we are equally happy to see the GSR move on...
Anförande på Strategic Military Partner Conference
Anförande i Stockholm, Sverige It is a pleasure to welcome you all here tonight. A few minutes ago I landed from Luxembourg, where I have...
ESDP @10 - What lessons for the future
Anförande i Bryssel, Belgien Thank you for organizing this seminar where we should reflect on ten years of experiences with the ESDP and...
Dangers of Disintegrating Iraq
Artikel i International Herald Tribune There is an increasing air of desperation in the discussions on the future of the coalition...
The new Global Challenges
Anförande vid The Network Conference Last year was undoubtedly one of the worst years in the trans-Atlantic security relationship in our...
To win peace after the war
Anförande vid IOMA 60th Annual Meeting, Scottsdale, Arizona, USA I left the metropolis of Moscow - far away on the plains of Russia -...
Hard-earned lessons on nation-building
Artikel i International Herald Tribune Seven ways to rebuild Iraq In the wake of the war in Iraq, the world is learning once again that...
Europe and the Greater Middle East
Anförande vid Instabul Policy Center, Sabanci Univeristy, Turkiet Dear Friends, It is always a pleasure to come to Istanbul. It is not...
Regime change in Iraq isn't optional
Artikel i International Herald Tribune Let's face it: There can be no going back when it comes to the confrontation over Iraq. There are...
Peace in the post-Ottoman World
Artikel i Financial Times The Copenhagen summit was a great success in every respect - but one. A critical opportunity to create peace on...
Towards a Clash of Civilizations?
Anförande vid ett symposium som anordnas av tyska Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) For many, the name of Pullach is associated with a...
Pre-emptive military action and the legitimacy of the use of force
Anförande vid European Security Forum i Bryssel, Belgien The present debate about the legitimacy of pre-emptive military action was...