Utvidgningen är en historisk framgång
Artikel i Expressen I veckan som gick är det tio år sedan EU:s historiska utvidgning österut. 2004 blev Polen, Ungern, Tjeckien,...
ESDP @10 - What lessons for the future
Anförande i Bryssel, Belgien Thank you for organizing this seminar where we should reflect on ten years of experiences with the ESDP and...
Strengthening the ESDP - The EU's Approach to International Security
Anförande vid EES i Helsingfors, Finland It's a great pleasure to be able to take part in this important conference. I have been among...
The Balkans in Europe's Future
Anförande vid Robert Bosch Stiftung i Berlin, Tyskland When talking about the Balkans, it is always tempting to talk about history. You...
Anförande vid OSSE:s ministermöte
Anförande i Madrid, Spanien Mr Chairman, Dear Colleagues, I wish to join others in thanking Foreign Minister Moratinos for his able...
The European Union's Soft Power: A Force for Change
Anförande vid Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy i Aten, Grekland It's truly an honour for me to come here to ELIAMEP to...
Anförande vid invigningen av ICDS
Anförande vid invigningen av ICDS, Tallinn, Estland I warmly welcome the setting up of the International Center for Defence Studies here...
Never accept ethnic cleansing
Artikel i Financial Times Last week saw what there was of international policy in on Kosovo go up in flames. With more than 100 houses...
Hard-earned lessons on nation-building
Artikel i International Herald Tribune Seven ways to rebuild Iraq In the wake of the war in Iraq, the world is learning once again that...
Security for a Wider Europe
Anförande vid konferens i Litauen As we meet here in Vilnius in between the NATO Summit in Prague and the European Council in Copenhagen,...
State Building and International Security
Anförande i London vid IISS Global Strategic Review, Storbritannien Suddenly, it has become obvious that efforts at what is referred to...
Pre-emptive military action and the legitimacy of the use of force
Anförande vid European Security Forum i Bryssel, Belgien The present debate about the legitimacy of pre-emptive military action was...
Options for Peace in Kosovo
Anförande vid UNUSA/IAI conference i Rom, Italien This conference has to assess one of the most difficult of the many difficult...