The Battle for Germany’s Soul
Kolumn publicerad hos Project Syndicate For Kohl, Germany’s history and central position in Europe meant that it must never pursue...
Keeping the Balkan Ghosts at Bay
Publicerad på Project Syndicate European Union leaders have suddenly awoken to new realities in the Balkans. At a recent summit, they...
Anförande vid Robert Bosch-akademin
Anförande i Berlin, Tyskland Dear Friends, It is an honour and a pleasure to come to Berlin and be asked to say a few words as an...
Köpenhamns universitet
Anförande i Köpenhamn, Danmark För hundra år sedan - våren 1914 - trodde nog de allra flesta i Europa att freden var säker. Det andra...
Sveriges säkerhetspolitik
Anförande inför Kungliga Krigsvetenskapsakademien, Stockholm, Sverige Tack för inbjudan att komma hit och tala om Sveriges...
Anförande vid Australia National University
Anförande i Canberra, Australien To state the obvious - I am very happy to be here. And to have the opportunity to make a couple of...
Anförande om Europa hos SNS
Anförande i Tylösand, Sverige I am delighted to be here with you on the beautiful coast of my native Halland. More than three decades ago...
Doha Forum 2011
Anförande i Doha, Qatar Let me start by expressing my appreciation of the role Qatar is playing in bringing ideas, interests and...
Anförande vid Istanbul Bilgi University
Anförande i Istanbul, Turkiet It is always a pleasure to come to Istanbul - and even more so when there is an opportunity like this to...
Anförande vid RAND Europe
Anförande i Bryssel, Belgien Let me first of all apologies for the fact that I am in a hurry. This is the fate of the Presidency of the...
ESDP @10 - What lessons for the future
Anförande i Bryssel, Belgien Thank you for organizing this seminar where we should reflect on ten years of experiences with the ESDP and...
Europe and the World - Are We Still in Demand?
Anförande vid ekonomiska konferensen Wirtschaftsrat i Berlin, Tyskland Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been asked to try to answer the...
Anförande vid IISS-Citi India Global Forum
Anförande i New Dehli, Indien It is always a true pleasure to come to India and to feel how our world is changing. We are living in an...
The Balkans in Europe's Future
Anförande vid Robert Bosch Stiftung i Berlin, Tyskland When talking about the Balkans, it is always tempting to talk about history. You...
The European Union's Soft Power: A Force for Change
Anförande vid Hellenic Foundation for European & Foreign Policy i Aten, Grekland It's truly an honour for me to come here to ELIAMEP to...