The Responsibility to Report
Artikel publicerad hos Project Syndicate An unprecedented threat demands an unprecedented response. Rarely, if ever, have governments had...
The West's Crisis of Confidence
Publicerad på Projekt Syndicate In an age defined by US President Donald Trump’s rage, Russian President Vladimir Putin’s revisionism,...
100 stapplande dagar
Debattartikel i Dagens Industri Det har varit bråda dagar i Vita huset denna vecka. Med den fixering som finns i den amerikanska debatten...
The “New” Trump’s Lopsided Foreign Policy
Publicerad på Project Syndicate After a series of foreign-policy U-turns, there is now talk of a “new” Donald Trump who is far more...
Head for the Bunkers
Artikel på Project Syndicate In August 2015, I tweeted that if Donald Trump were to be elected President of the United States, we would...
Taking North Korea Seriously
Artikel på Project Syndicate We are living in dangerous and uncertain times. The United States is engaged in a bizarre and highly...
Anförande vid Riga Cicero Awards
Anförande i Riga, Lettland Let me start with the most important point: how honoured I am to receive your award. And I am particularly...
Anförande vid Max Jakobson International Seminar
Anförande i Helsingfors, Finland One often starts remarks like this by saying that it is an honour being invited. This time, I really...
Is Democracy Under Pressure?
Anförande i Aten, Grekland The simple answer to the question of whether or not our systems of governance are under pressure is of course:...
Anförande på Digital Horizon
Anförande i Stockholm, Sverige Ladies and Gentlemen, Thank you for that introduction, and for inviting me to this conference. It is...
Inledningsanförande vid Stockholm Internet Forum 2013
Anförande i Stockholm, Sverige Dear friends, Welcome to Sweden and to the Stockholm Forum for Internet Freedom and Development. Many of...
Assessing the Efficacy of Sanctions for Non-proliferation
Anförande vid The Carnegie Nuclear Policy Conference, Washington DC, USA Let me just start by saying how much I always appreciate the...
Anförande vid TUR-mässan
Anförande i Göteborg, Sverige We Swedes are a travelling people. This has been the case throughout history: from the Viking raids and...
Anförande vid Australia National University
Anförande i Canberra, Australien To state the obvious - I am very happy to be here. And to have the opportunity to make a couple of...
Anförande vid CSIS
Anförande i Washington DC, USA It is a delight to be back in Washington again, and no less a delight to be back here at CSIS again. Your...